Dennis Bernstein

Celebrating Muriel Rukeyser’s 108th Birthday: A Collection of Readings

Enjoy hearing--and viewing--various Muriel Rukeyser poems read, and in one case performed, in the 21st century to celebrate her 108th birthday on December 15, 2021. Submitted readings are from friends, scholars, and admirers of Rukeyser. Thank you to everyone who submitted a reading. Dennis Bernstein reads and explains the opening of "The Gates." Eulalia Basquets reads "Long Past Moncada." Karley Misek reads "Powerplant." Robin Tremblay-McGaw reads "Poem White Page White Page Poem." Charlotte Mandel reads "To be a Jew in the Twentieth Century." Christina-Marie Sears performing "Beast in View" David Villaverde reads "The [...]

2022-01-24T21:34:03+00:00January 18, 2022|Ruke Blog|0 Comments

Bill Rukeyser, Interviewed by Dennis Bernstein, February 16, 2021, KPFA Flashpoints

Dennis: It’s a pleasure and an honor to welcome William L. Rukeyser, son of the late poet and biographer, Muriel Rukeyser, who we are honoring, studying, remembering, during this extended two-day webinar at Eastern Michigan University.  Eastern Michigan University is creating an archive for the great work of the biographer and poetry of Muriel Rukeyser.  And her son, William, has agreed to talk a little bit about his mom and what it’s like to grow up as the son of a great poet and a visionary.  Dennis: So, welcome, William Rukeyser, to “Flashpoints”, and it is very good to have [...]

2021-06-02T15:22:31+00:00June 2, 2021|Ruke Blog|1 Comment
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